Fresh Mind is an evolutionary self transformation programme bringing you a complete cognitive performance upgrade.
Fresh Mind is a comprehensive programme built on solid foundations of timeless teachings from psychology, philosophy and human cognition.
Fresh Mind is the first programme delivering pure and complete upgrade to your cognitive operating system.
Fresh Mind is for leaders in the age of exponential human growth. You now have the choice to go beyond success and lead your perfect life ahead.
Fresh Mind is a three month self transformation experience. Fresh Mind results are permanent and enable your progress for life.
We capture and illustrate a complete picture of your current state of mind.
1 week. 2 hrs per week
We help you prepare your body for the mind upgrade to come.
1 week. 2 hrs per week
We guide you through upgrade of your entire cognitive architecture.
10 weeks. ~4 hrs per week
Fresh Mind is available in three distinct options. Integral coaches deliver Fresh Mind to you in completely customised way. Every session caters to your exact needs.
You are a corporate executive. You want to obtain total clarity of mind around your schedule.
You are a startup founder or a business owner. You want complete cognitive performance to upgrade your entire industry.
You are looking to upgrade your coaching. You want to coach from higher insights and create longer lasting impact.
Polymathic leaders from variety of expert fields comprise Integral team. All Integral coaches have Fresh Mind Executive Programme Certification.
Jason got into sports coaching informally in his teenage years. His fascination with human performance and psychology got him involved in advising and mentoring startup founders at the age of 23. Ever since then Jason coached designers, business people and coaches in a formal way.
This a selection of numerous insights which our Fresh Mind clients have realised so far.
"I found my perfect husband after three sessions of Fresh Mind."
"I am now regularly dealing with millionaires and billionaire clients."
"I have reconnected with my family in a deep and meaningful way. It's now pleasure to spend time with them."
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."
Richard Feynman
And start living your perfect life